Industry News

Pharma waste management: Balancing cost, compliance, and environmental responsibility2024-07-18

An intricate balance of cost, compliance, and environmental responsibility is not just a mere operational challenge, but a necessity for sustainable healthcare practices. [ full text ]

How to avoid common RMW violations.2024-07-16

Using various services and databases, HERC has identified the Five Most Common RMW Violations. Learn how to avoid them! [ full text ]

Final Rule - e-Manifest Amendments2024-07-10

This rule amends certain aspects of the hazardous waste manifest regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, specifically about the e-Manifest system. [ full text ]

Hospitals and the environment: Pressure to do better2024-06-17

Hospitals produce a lot of pollution. Federal officials say hospitals account for 8.5% of America’s carbon emissions. Hospitals also generate an enormous amount of waste, in part because they discard many items after one use. Hospitals and health systems are doing more to reduce the amount of waste and pollution they generate. [ full text ]

EPA Launches New Website to Improve Transparency in Permitting2024-04-08

The new site centralizes information about all EPA permitting programs, information on delegations of authority to states and descriptions of other requirements that are often applicable (such as Endangered Species Act and National Historic Preservation Act consultation). [ full text ]

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